Faraday Future (FF), the California-based electric mobility company, has finally delivered its first FF 91 2.0 Futurist Alliance. It was a dramatic journey from day one and it's far from over, the first FF91 doesn’t necessarily mean this is FF's graduation from a startup to a revenue-earning company.
Still, a delivery that was initially set to take place in 2018 is finally done and the EV playground just got a little bit more crowded. In a pleasant twist, the first delivery was made to PCM, a notable name in the luxury car industry in Southern California. Accompanied by all the premium vehicles, lined up in a salute to the FF91, the newcomer got one heck of a welcome party.
PCM isn’t just an FF customer; they are also jumping on board as FF Developer Co-Creation Officers. Which, in layman’s terms, means they’ll be partnering up with FF to provide input and direction for future models and services. It’s like asking the kid in the candy store to suggest the next flavor of lollipop. Seems like a smart move on FF’s part.
As if handing over the keys of the first FF 91 2.0 wasn't enough of a spectacle, the folks at FF are taking car deliveries to the next level. Imagine not just getting your new car, but having it handed over in a customized ceremony with some of the top honchos of the company in attendance. Yes, FF intends to do just that for their first set of "spire users." Talk about red-carpet treatment. But then again - with a price tag of $309,000 you kinda expect a better treatment.
There is no time to rest and Faraday Future knows it well. During the famed Monterey Car Week, FF is launching its Developer Co-Creation festival campaign. While most of us might get lost in the jumble of words like "Developer Co-Creation Officer" and "Phase-2 Co-Creation delivery," here's a quick lowdown. FF is not just selling cars; they're building a community. A community that can potentially influence the direction the company takes with its future products.
With the launch of the long-awaited and surrounded-by-drama FF91, Faraday Future is trying to make a statement. Sure, the company is not just in the game; it is here to play it differently. It'll be intriguing to see how this journey pans out, it’s a miracle and testament to the sheer iron will of the company founders, that the first vehicle is out. Will the customers line up and snap the FF91 away?
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