Mini Aceman is full of surprises and it still has some aces up its sleeve. At this very moment Mini is sponsoring the latest Gamescom in Cologne, Germany and is the event’s official mobility partner. During the opening night, the company unveiled the result of its cooperation with Pokemon - Mini Aceman with Pokemon Mode.
It’s official - Pikachu takes over Mini Aceman. Literally, Pikachu is now in charge of the car’s main screen and starting the car up is accompanied by lightning bolts shooting away from the screen towards the sides of the car. This has been achieved thanks to Mini’s overhead projectors that can use the dashboard as a secondary display - you can read more about it here.
There is another projector now, fitted at the front of the car and displaying a large screen onto any flat surface. This is a simple yet super effective idea, projector can be used to display games being played or turns the car into an impromptu drive-in cinema. Charging times are suddenly not important anymore, they just became an excuse to watch movies.
When it comes to playing the actual Pokemon, it is possible to plug in a gaming console and use the main screen or the projected one to play whatever games your heart desires. Mini did not specify which consoles can be used but it’s hard to imagine this is something more than just HDMi connection, meaning everybody is welcome!
The new Mini Aceman Pokemon Mode was unveiled wrapped in a toy-like box, complete wit a clear window and a set of spare wheels, all to make sure the car stayed within the theme of the event. Clever marketing - the car is available as an Action Pack during Gamescom, attention to detail goes as far as Pokemon balls as wheel centers and obligatory X-O symbols.
Jumping on the “metaverse” bandwagon, Mini introduced the aptly named MINIverse - a virtual world, where Mini fans can explore city districts while interacting with Mini Aceman. No installation is required and it works on any platform via URL - as long as you are the Gamescom.
Mini is trying hard to appeal to the younger generation, its recent promotional materials clearly show that and its sponsorship deal with Gamescom only further enforces this approach. It’s funny since its main customers are middle age and the new generation does not seem to be interested at all in cars, let alone in Mini, one the oldest automotive brands.
Mini is cool as it is, especially now that it is electric, it appeals to a different crowd. The company’s desperation to connect with the younger generation by employing Pokemon is as groovy as Pope trying to sell weed on the street corner. Stop it, we don’t need it.
Front projector is cool and can be useful during charging, during camping trips or during lonely nights in the garage - way better than sleeping on the sofa after another argument with the wife. Heck - Mini Aceman can save many marriages. Now - that is a much better way to sell it to the masses. Not with a yellow creature shooting lightning bolts out of unholy parts of its body.
At least pikachu is avery friendly pokemon unless its get very angry. This going to be same. Interesting advertising but will force people to pay even more. Good products sells on their own no need for costly advertising.
It most likely works the same way every comix, fantasy, sci-fi, video games do - magic dust :-D
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