Anonymous, 11 Dec 2022The solar roof won't do a whole lot. Let's pretend it's about 4sq.m. Even at pe... moreFor new Prius they expect something in the range of 5-7km per day ... and it's a smaller area compared to Hyundai and even that 7 km sound nice :)
If not just for a pure range, it usually powers the AC and infotainment.
+ Ofc it is a gimmick, it will probably never give back the initial investment. It just slightly boost comfort (or green image :-D ).
Fearghast, 10 Dec 2022That huge solar roof looks really impressive, hopefully they won't scrap it like they did... moreThe solar roof won't do a whole lot. Let's pretend it's about 4sq.m. Even at perfect angles, a flat panel can generate like 1600W and the capacity of these cats are about 100kW. Now, if we are lucky, these panels generate 800W as only half of the panel can be illuminated at the same time, meaning .8% "extra" capacity. .8% of 600km is 4.8km. Basically, it's just a really expensive gimmick as it is.
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