Unknown , 28 May 2022Tbh I think it's good there making it id love see the classic mini return even if it'... moreYou might not feel the same way once you're actually driving it, get into a crash, and then get to find out first hand how much shady copycat companies that think nothing of concepts such as intellectual property think of following crash test standards, or the value of human life, for that matter. If you are a western sphere commenter, then you are indubitably a direct beneficiary of western building, safety, and toxicology norms, with hidden but rigorous enforcement of what you implicitly have come to expect to save your ass, without ever having to bother to spend much time contemplating its ramifications. Pray that you never find yourself in the position of having to do so, for the first time -- I can almost guarantee that you'll find reality far less forgiving than your assertion seems to suggest.
Chinese can't think for themselves have to copy everything that they see .... If there success is going to happen will it last as long as some from the 60s I don't think so.......
Anonymous, 28 May 2022Not a patent. Registered design application; very different. And it's not illegal to appl... moreThis is a very interesting comment - would you mind explaining? Not sure I follow - it's ok to file a design application that clearly is using copyrighted design? Would really love to get your feedback on this.
Perfect opportunity for Germany to work with them and take a cut. This will go down well with the world!
Hubert, 27 May 2022Ser man till antalet patent i år så spelar Kina skiten av ex USA.Posting rules
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Good try china but this will never work in worst case scenario you get a very nice ban and fines beyound believe.
It’s good if they produce this little mini as Electric I think and millions of people they’re gonna buy them and it’s gonna be successful even to find a car park very small car indeed and the best Bring it on 😄
Tbh I think it's good there making it id love see the classic mini return even if it's electronic and from a different company it would surely be expensive but worth it
Not a patent. Registered design application; very different. And it's not illegal to apply for a registered design so no grounds for action from BMW at this stage. If the Chinese company actually start to manufacture the design (nothing to suggest they have so far) then it will be different.
Anonymous, 26 May 2022These chinese companies making clone and then calling them a original design so blatantly is j... moreSer man till antalet patent i år så spelar Kina skiten av ex USA.
This isn't the first time BMW have had this issue. Someone copied their X5, and put a 3 speed gearbox in it...
Anonymous, 26 May 2022These chinese companies making clone and then calling them a original design so blatantly is j... moreThey know the system very well, they know the Chinese courts will initially side with them and it will take years for the rightful copyright owners to convince the court to stop the cloning. In those years they will make a small fortune.
These chinese companies making clone and then calling them a original design so blatantly is just so damn funny, lol!
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