Only two weeks have passed since we talked about Volvo investing in fast charging battery technology and today we have the evidence that this technology is ready for prime time. StoreDot, the company Volvo invested in, demonstrated it in a presentation in front of a live audience. The technology is here and it is ready for mass production.
So what exactly happened? During the EcoMotion Week 2022 which is taking place right now in Israel, StoreDot presented its latest production ready battery pouch cell. The unit has been manufactured in China by EVE and it less than 10 minutes it charged up to 20Ah which was more than the target for 0 percent to 80 percent charge level.
The charge rate was maintained by the battery cell and when scaled up it will be adding 100 miles (160km) of range every 5 minutes. At no point during the presentation or during extensive testing of the cell prior to the show, did the battery exceed 33 degrees Celsius (91F) maintaining its safe temperature at all times.
This isn’t just a test showing future technology. StoreDot has already delivered batteries capable of 1,200 consecutive extreme fast charging cycles and is on the way to manufacture EV batteries with this tech at scale and capable of taking more than 1,000 ultra fast charging cycles. That’s a battery capable of 500,000 miles life cycle if only charged rapidly. And it will be manufactured this year.
The speed of battery charging is one of the most important issues EVs face, alongside infrastructure availability and range anxiety. The latter is becoming a thing of the past, charging stations are being installed everywhere at tremendous pace, and the entire industry is shifting to the EV business model at unprecedented speed.
It doesn’t mean moving fully away from fossil fuels, that will take much longer but the electric car is finally becoming a viable option, all we need is to address affordability and the revolution is done.
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